A Ovest Di Paperino

Welcome to the dark side.

Don't try this at home

Tre anni fa è apparso questo post su SlashDot:

The guys over at winhistory.de managed to get their Windows XP Professional running on a very minimal box: an Intel Pentium clocked down to 8 MHz with 20 MB of RAM. (segue commento sarcastico)

L'intero esperimento è dettagliato qui.

Come sono arrivato a ricordarmi di questo post? Una nota su una rivista:

On a final note, we in the Linux community often criticize Microsoft Windows for the high hardware requirements it seemingly requires.

Recently one "expert" suggested that Windows Vista's sweet spot comes in at roughly 4GB of Ram. However, I'm still getting over a story on Slashdot in the same week in which Windows XP was installed on a under-clocked 8Mhz original Pentium processor with 16MB of RAM. It just worked. Many Linux distributions probably wouldn't have.

Fonte Linux Magazine Pro, numero 78 Maggio 2007, pagina 95.

Delizioso, but don't try this at home!


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